Create Your Life As Art

The Extraordinary Mind Project Way

Adventure into lifting the course of life to another level!

Many think creativity is a process, or talent, or skill to be learned or taught.

At essence, creativity is a natural state of being, an energy state that, as young children, we were immersed in during most of our waking hours.

Whilst it is very easy and common to lose the strong connection with your natural creativity, as an adult, you can learn a brain-aware process for engaging with and directing this innate, whole, higher-order energy state.

Creativity is a life-long adventure. That's what we explore and share in Create Your Life As Art!

“Creativity is a central source of meaning in our lives … most of the things that are interesting, important, and human are the results of creativity… [and] when we are involved in it, we feel that we are living more fully than during the rest of life.”
~ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, legendary creativity researcher,  author of the book “Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience,” and the first to popularize the concept of “creative flow”.

And so, why not experience creativity as a way of being?

And life as art?


What is Create Your Life As Art - the Extraordinary Mind Project Way?

This 2-day adventure will not only quickly restore the creativity – that was so clearly in abundance in your very early life – to its natural, ongoing manifestation in your now adult life but also will elevate your experience of 'creative flow' to lift your entire course of life to a new level.

Embrace this opportunity to dwell in curiosity - for two whole days - rediscovering the possibilities of art and creativity in "this one wild and precious life" of yours! 

You will pinpoint what is genuinely enlivening for you, magnify it, and evolve a structure for staying firmly in touch with the state of being, the energy state, the flow state that allows you to surprise and inspire yourself time after time.

Your outcomes

  • Come up with a project that feels just right for you right now. 

  • Emerge with your own unique, brain-aware creativity template for use in creating future projects - in your art, work, and any other area of your life in the future. 

  • You will be free to explore in any direction - with each project inspired and carrying its momentum to fruition.

"I am a ball of excitement! This is huge. What a path you are leading us all on, Jan!" ~ Ann Harrison

Early outcomes of the Project process.

How it works

  • Clarify and connect with soul. You will clarify what really 'floats your boat' when it comes to your art… what is it about the experience that so attracts you?
    (A unique process to help with this.)
  • Align for inspired action. Aligning your project with deep values and desires will keep you drawn to the adventure. No need for whip-cracking!

"Jan has uncanny insight that helped us to bring out our individual needs & desires. And also helped to bring out where we could travel in our own creative journey" ~ Carol Peers

  • Choose your adventure. Choose an enticing art medium and/or direction you would like to explore. (There is magic available for getting past obvious first ideas.)

"The group work on our projects, the connection and bouncing of ideas, the support that came from that was great. PS The most important idea is that art is not just something you are good at or just do. It is who you are! Extraordinary Mind Project promotes your work to be an [exciting] expression of who you are." ~ Jade Mitchell

"Just what I needed. What an amazing group. A privilege to be here" ~ Sally Lee

"Thank you so much, Jan, for including me in this group"  ~ Patz Passerini

  • Apply the brain-aware structure. Take the Extraordinary Mind Project structure and principles and transfer them to your own project design.
  • Set up your environment and mind. With an understanding of simple brain mechanics, you will see how to set up your environment and manage your mind for optimum fun and outcome.
  • A clear vision aligned with the soul. You will leave the workshop with a vision for your art (or another creative project) over the following months and the structure for its realisation clear in your mind.
  • 'Come home'. And with a feeling of coming home to your higher, deeper, whole self and its potential.
  • Celebratory follow-ups! Following the 2-day workshop, we create some opportunities to meet up at 5 to 6 weekly intervals to regale and celebrate exceptional outcomes for all, art-wise and otherwise! 

It’s about lifting the course of life to a new level!

"Extraordinary Mind Project? A brain turn on! For me it has really been personal growth using art. Particularly the last course [Create Your Art Project] because it really focused everything and helped me pinpoint what it really was that I wanted to get out of my art. And make a plan to do that. It has moved into all of my life... taking better care of myself, the way I live my life. I focus and choose what I want to get out of each day. Create my day!  It has just been AMAZING!!" ~ Pam Byatt

"I thoroughly enjoyed the sharing of ideas and the camaraderie. Feel energised and clear and ready to take the next steps in my business project." ~ Janie Hubble

"This has been brilliant for developing my skills and thought processes further, not only my art, but also within my work. Inspired me to have a go at bringing to fruition some new goals I did not know I had!" ~ Clara Lukin

This is for you if . . .

  • You want to jump feet first, creativity in hand, into all of life (which was your speciality as a young child… remember?)
  • You want to change how life feels, to be much more in the well-being at the heart of the creative flow state and its after-effects.
  • In the past, you have set up a grand plan for a project and then been disappointed with yourself as the initial excitement and hope waned, energy faded, and it became a struggle to keep it all happening… and the project died. You’re ready to shift that.
  • You are unsure what direction to take your art or other creative interest or don’t know what to do next. Finally, you’re ready to get crystal clear on that.
  • You are excited to explore how to easily light up any chosen area of your life the Extraordinary Mind Project way!
  • You want to have a handle on holding the creative space for yourself so that there are no limits to the directions in which you can enjoy creating new possibilities. 

Adventurers happily dwelling in curiosity.

Transformations from Create Your Life As Art . . .

“My artwork improved dramatically.
Helps you to regain your everyday creativity. Definitely worth doing.” ~Alina Behan

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I especially liked being able to choose an emotion to express and have it show up in my picture! That’s opened my eyes a lot and given me so much confidence." ~ Stacey Northover

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“My whole life changed trajectory from my first encounter with EMP. From timid personality to adventurer, which I never thought was possible!" ~ Mandy Ram

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Unlock hidden creativity and creative FLOW state and change what is possible for you to DO and BE. It is a paradigm shifting experience.

This is a NEW, Brain-Aware approach for changing what your brain can do for you!
© Extraordinary Mind Project &  Jan Cross 2020
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