Terry Mackintosh

"I can't stop the flow!" [of songs]… Jan's course was the key to unlocking that.”

I loved it. I didn't think I could draw. I didn't think I was going to be able to  produce much. And I was astounded at what came out.

I love that process.

I haven't gone on to do much more drawing, but what I have done is... it has helped me re-awaken the muse in my song writing.

I had been trying to get that going for 10 or 15 years. I had just lost it.

I mean I can't stop the flow now. I've got about 30 or 40 songs that I've done.

Jan's course was the key to unlocking that.

Unlock hidden creativity and creative FLOW state and change what is possible for you to DO and BE. It is a paradigm shifting experience.

This is a NEW, Brain-Aware approach for changing what your brain can do for you!
© Extraordinary Mind Project &  Jan Cross 2020
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